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Squeezing the Most Out of Your Marketing Budget

March 05, 20245 min read


Feeling limited by your marketing budget? As an ISV, you're not alone. Stretching resources to achieve impactful campaigns can be a constant struggle. However, don't let a tight budget hold you back!

This post unveils practical strategies, like utilizing free tools, maximizing content reach, and building a strong social media presence, to help you squeeze the most out of your marketing efforts and achieve success.

With that said, here are 3 practical tips to help you stretch your budget and your content.

Tip 1 - Use the Tools

Don't underestimate the power of free and freemium marketing tools! Platforms like Canva offer stunning design templates for creating social media graphics, presentations, and even infographics - all without breaking the bank. It’s the platform I use for everything.

Need to schedule your social media posts in advance and free up valuable time? Tools like Buffer allow you to plan and publish content across various platforms, ensuring consistent brand presence and audience engagement. This is not my favorite platform to use, I really don’t have a preference. Sometimes there can be issues with tagging people and such. I have found using the scheduling tool on LinkedIn (or other social platforms) works just as great. 

Take advantage of AI-powered content creation tools like Gemini, Jasper AI, or Rytr to overcome writer's block and generate ideas for social media captions, blog post outlines, or even video scripts. 

Remember, these tools are meant to be starting points: use them as a spark to ignite your creativity and then personalize the content to reflect your unique brand voice and target audience. By strategically leveraging these free and freemium resources, you can significantly amplify your marketing reach and engagement.

Tip 2 - Repurpose Content

Tired of constantly creating new content? 

Repurposing existing content is a genius way to maximize your reach and save valuable time. 

Imagine your in-depth blog post bursting with valuable insights. With a little tweaking and creativity, it can be repurposed into:

  • A downloadable asset that summarizes key points and grabs attention on social media. Plus, it’s a great way to build your email list.

  • A series of engaging social media snippets that offer bite-sized takeaways to drive readers back to your blog.

  • A short video that highlights a few tips which you can then use on on social as well. 

The possibilities are endless! You can even repurpose your content into e-books, podcasts, guest blog posts, or presentations, maximizing its reach and generating new leads.

Remember, the key to effective repurposing lies in tailoring the format and message to each platform. A blog post meant for in-depth reading might require a more concise and punchier message for social media, while an infographic should prioritize visual elements and clear data points.

By embracing content repurposing, you'll optimize your content creation efforts, boost audience engagement, and extract additional value from your existing work.

In fact, this blog post will also turn into a podcast, a few social posts, a short video on LinkedIn, sent out in an email, and content for my LinkedIn Newsletter.

Which is a great lead into my next tip.

Tip 3 - Building a Strong Social Media Presence

In today's digital world, social media is your golden ticket to building brand awareness and sparking meaningful engagement with your target audience, all without a hefty budget. It's a platform where you can connect, educate, engage, and entertain your audience, fostering brand loyalty and ultimately driving growth.

But how do you make the most of this free marketing powerhouse? The first step is optimizing your profiles. Craft a compelling bio that clearly communicates your value proposition and entices users to learn more. Don't underestimate the power of visually appealing profile pictures and cover photos – they create a lasting first impression and set the tone for your brand.

Now, let's talk about the content that fuels engagement. Forget those self-promotional posts. Instead, focus on sharing valuable and engaging content that resonates with your audience. Here are some ideas:

  • Industry insights and thought leadership pieces: Establish yourself as an expert in your field by sharing valuable insights, trends, and news relevant to your industry.

  • Interactive polls and questions: Encourage participation and spark conversations by posing thought-provoking questions and conducting interactive polls. This not only fosters engagement but also provides valuable customer insights.

  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses: Offer a peek into your company culture, introduce your team members, and share the human side of your brand. This fosters connection and authenticity, building trust and loyalty with your audience.

Remember, consistency is key. Regularly posting fresh content and a variety of content keeps your audience engaged and top-of-mind. LinkedIn loves long-form content and videos.

LinkedIn is always changing its algorithms too, so it’s important to keep up with the ever-changing landscape. A great person to follow on LinkedIn is Richard van der Blom.

Also, check out Just Connecting for information on their LinkedIn™️ Algorithm Report and there are some great tips and such from AuthoredUp as well. 

I also have a few social media podcast episodes you can check out as well.

I should just write a whole blog post on LinkedIn tips and strategies. Maybe I’ll add that to the queue.

In conclusion

Budget-conscious marketing doesn't have to mean sacrificing effectiveness. By utilizing the tips discussed here, you can maximize your impact with free or freemium tools, content repurposing, and strategic social media engagement. Remember, creativity, consistency, and planning are your most valuable assets when it comes to marketing success. 

To further augment your efforts and access a wealth of support, consider joining The ISV Society. This community offers pre-built marketing materials for all joint initiatives, expert advice, and connections with fellow ISVs, empowering you to collaborate, learn, and work with others in this space.

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Amiee Keenan

I've been working with ISVs for over 20 years doing all things marketing, partner engagement, event planning, website and blog content, building a channel, and so much more. I've worked for some amazing ISVs in a variety of industries including manufacturing and distribution, cloud hosting and sales tax, as well as procurement, and pricing.

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