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Webinar Invite

What content should you include in a webinar invite?

August 01, 20234 min read


Webinars are a great way to educate your customers and leads. As well as getting your content out there quickly and easily. In fact, webinars are the leading tool for building trust and partnerships between your existing or prospective customer base.

But webinars are not successful unless you have someone to present to. That's when content plays a huge role. Your message and email invite need to be compelling enough for them to take action.

Hook them in

First off, never talk about the features or the benefits of your product. That's not compelling, you sound like a salesperson, and quite frankly, it's boring. (No offense)

You want to be as specific and relevant as possible. Your subject line should tell people what they'll get out of the webinar, and why they should attend. This is especially important if you're sending the invite out on social media or email blasts, where many people see a lot of content every day.

You need content that's going to engage your audience. Start with a question that gets them thinking or hits a pain point you're going to solve.

Something like, Wouldn't you love to get 80% of your time back? Or How much time do you waste searching for records in Dynamics GP?

Starting with a question gets them hooked, and they want to read more.

Know Your audience

Stop trying to speak to the masses. Tell them in the email who this is for, who should attend, and even list out the company's roles like Payroll Admin, CEO, or IT Manager. Get as specific as possible, and if at all possible, send the email to those roles if you have them broken out that way in your database.

  • Know your audience, and talk to them like a human.

  • Use the same tone of voice as you would in a conversation.

  • Use the same words and phrases that you would use in a conversation.

  • A conversational tone helps to connect with your audience and build trust with them--which is especially important when it comes to webinars!

There is nothing like getting an email that is specific to you and that speaks to you.

Don't rely on emotional content.

You should avoid emotional content. While it may be tempting to use emotional language such as "the most important thing you will ever do," or "this could change your life," that's not what people want to hear in a webinar invite.

Use personal stories instead of generic ones: share customer or parter success stories. For example: "I started using this product in my business and was able to increase sales by 25%." Or: "This tool helped me build my first website and I love how easy it is!"

If you're not an expert on the topic but have used the product yourself, talk about how much easier it made things for you (and why).

I'll show YOU

Tell them exactly why they should attend. You can put it in a bulleted list, or number them out but make sure you specify what you will show or cover so they know what to expect.

What's the subject?

Last but not least all the information above won't matter if you can't even get them to open in the email in the first place. Subject lines can make or break EVERY email.

If you don't have the magical combination of words that is compelling enough for them to open your email then you wasted your time.

I could write a whole blog post on subject lines (maybe I will) but some key points to consider are:

  • Write it after you have the content done (there may be key points or elements you could include in the subject line)

  • They should be around 20 characters, 8 words, and including a number increases your open rate tremendously

  • Try A/B testing so you can see which subject lines perform better and the ones your audience prefers

As you starting planning out your 2024 goals make sure webinars are a key strategic initiative to help you reach your goals. Take the time to write great content because webinars can only be successful if you master the invitation.

Feel free to download this webinar checklist to help you get started.

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Amiee Keenan

I've been working with ISVs for over 20 years doing all things marketing, partner engagement, event planning, website and blog content, building a channel, and so much more. I've worked for some amazing ISVs in a variety of industries including manufacturing and distribution, cloud hosting and sales tax, as well as procurement, and pricing.

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